The agricultural statistics are collected by plot to plot enumeration method by the Field supervisors of this Directorate in all the revenue villages in each crop season Khariff (July to October), Rabi-I (November to February) and Rabi-II (March to June) of an agricultural year (July to June). Area enumeration work for 2016-17 and Rabi I season have been completed in all the revenue villages.
The objective of crop estimation survey is to obtain, in a scientific manner through conduct of crop cutting experiments, reliable estimates of average yield per hectare and production of rice at State level with reasonable degree of precision. Crop cutting experiments on paddy for all the crop seasons of 2015-16 have been completed.
Periodical meetings of the State Level Co-ordination Committee on Improvement of Agricultural Statistical System under the chairmanship of Director, DES are held to discuss various issues relating to improvement in collection of Agricultural Statistics in the U.T. An annual publication entitled “Season and Crop Report” is being brought out. The latest in the series is for the year 2015-16.