Official Website of Directorate of Economics and Statistics, Government of Puducherry, India.

Hon'ble Lt. Governor
Shri K.Kailashnathan
Hon'ble Lt. Governor

Hon'ble Chief Minister
Shri. N. Rangasamy
Hon'ble Chief Minister

Hon'ble Minister for Statistics
Shri. P.R.N.Thirumurugan
Hon'ble Minister for Statistics

Chief Secretary
Dr Sharat Chauhan, I.A.S
Chief Secretary to Government

Secretary, Statistics
Secretary (Economics & Statistics)

Director, DES
Shri.Ratnaghosh Kishor Chaure

About Us

The Government requires various kinds of information for planning for economic and social development on scientific lines and the statistical data goes a long way in helping the planners and policy makers in this direction. Without basic statistics, no useful and purposeful planning can be possible and therefore the Government looks forward to have statistical source agencies in the States/Union Territories with the idea of producing an exhaustive database which may cater to the emergent data needs of a dynamic economy.