Population Data - 2013 | Official Website of Directorate of Economics and Statistics, Government of Puducherry, India.

Population Data - 2013

Item Unit Puducherry Karaikal Mahe Yanam State
1 Total Population 2011 Nos. 950289 200222 41816 55626 1247953
Male " 468258 97809 19143 27301 612511
Female " 482031 102413 22673 28325 635442
2 Growth rate 2001-2011 % 29.2 17.2 13.5 77.2 28.1
3 Sex ratio
Females per '000 Males)
1029 1047 1184 1038 1037
4 Density - Persons
(per Sq.Km)
Nos. 3232 1275 4846 1854 2547
5 Percentage of SC to total population % 16.0 17.7 0.3 15.2 15.7
6 Literacy rate
(persons aged 7 years +)
85.4 87.1 97.9 79.5 85.8
Male % 91.2 92.4 98.6 82.8 91.3
Female " 79.9 82.0 97.3 76.4 80.7
7 Number of Main workers
Male No. 237953 46928 8295 13233 306409
Female " 77617 11414 2109 2140 93280
8 Category of Main workers
Cultivators " 8405 2052 23 283 10763
Agricultural Labourers " 38854 8740 57 2956 50607
Household Industry workers " 5203 992 60 118 6373
Other workers " 263108 46558 10264 12016 331946

Source:O/o Registrar & Census Commissioner, India

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