General Budgetary Position - 2013 | Official Website of Directorate of Economics and Statistics, Government of Puducherry, India.

General Budgetary Position - 2013

(`  in Thousands)

Consolidated Fund Accounts 2011-12 Revised Estimate 
Budget Estimate 2013-14
Revenue Receipts 2771,42,55 3222,48,00 5012,97,00
Expenditure met from Revenue (Net) 3222,23,18 3175,73,98 4964,58,53
Surplus (+)/Deficit (-) on Revenue Account (-)450,80,63 46,74,02 48,38,47
Capital Receipts 791,57,99 539,52,00 858,50,00
Expenditure met from Capial including loans and advances (Net) 533,77,59 586,26,02 906,88,47
Surplus (+)/Deficit (-) on Capital Account (+) 257,80,40 (-) 46,74,02 (-) 48,38,47
Total Consolidated Fund (Net) (-) 193,00,23 -- --
Opening Balance (+) 78,9313 -- --
Closing Balance (-) 114,07,10 -- --

Source : Explanatory Memorandum on the Budget for 2013-14

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