Aims and Objectives | Official Website of Directorate of Economics and Statistics, Government of Puducherry, India.

Aims and Objectives

The broad objective of the Directorate in the beginning was to serve as a focal point of providing information on various subject matter in the field of statistics. The efforts of the Directorate since its inception were directed towards the development of necessary statistical infrastructure in the Union Territory of Puducherry for extending statistical coverage. The organizational aspects have also received increased attention and considerable improvements were effected thereon. The objective was gradually extended over consecutive decades, as utility of the results was considerably increased. The aim of coverage with a modest item in the beginning now covers a immense variety of items. The importance of collecting reliable statistical data on a sound and scientific basis had been well realized consequent on utility of information both by Government and Private agencies .

The need for training statisticians and field workers in objectives and methods of collecting data becomes imperative so that planning economic and social development projects may be rendered more efficiently. In recent years, the Directorate of Economics and Statistics has been consciously attempting to educate a wide audience on the importance of statistics. Eliciting of reliable data has become an especially challenging task during the past decade. The statistical systems are primarily aimed at improving the capabilities of the Directorate of Economics and Statistics and to effectively coordinate the statistical activities. The main thrust of the Directorate of Economics and Statistics is to ensure quality information to the user agencies including academics and policy makers. The Directorate is committed to further improving the quality of data to cater to the needs of dynamic economic development. Statistics is a great catalyst in creating awareness among the people about policies and programmes. Thus, the main aim of the Directorate is to build up a firm and broad database essential for socio – economic development of the Union Territory of Puducherry and all the statistical programmes are oriented towards the projecting various aspects of improvement of living standard of the people.

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